Art Petronis*.
Neurogenetics Section, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Several mechanisms of pathogenic
action of viral infection have been suggested in schizophrenia
including the integration of retroviral sequences into the host
genome. Integration of retroviral DNA may be pathogenic in two
ways: I) the insertion of viral DNA in a functioning gene may
lead to disruption of the hosts gene sequence, and II)
integrated viral DNA may produce new viruses and toxic
substances. Viral-host genome interaction to a large extent
depends on epigenetic factors. Firstly, the integration of any
exogenous genome is not random but depends on the chromatin
conformation and other epigenetic conditions at the specific
locus of the host genome. Only some loci are
“receptive” and can incorporate a strand of foreign
DNA. Secondly, the activity of integrated viruses is under the
control of epigenetic modification of viral DNA. Numerous
experimental data have shown that DNA methylation plays a role in
silencing or activating various types of viruses including
herpesvirus, lentivirus, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B virus, and
human immunodeficiency virus. The findings that the majority of
proviral DNA and transposable elements were methylated and
transcriptionally inactive in the genomes of fungi, plants and
mammals, have provided the basis for concluding that DNA
methylation is part of the host defence system (Bestor 1996). In
comparison to other epigenetic mechanisms, DNA methylation seems
to be of key importance in genomic defence because Drosophila,
which is known to have no DNA methylation, exhibits a
significantly higher degree of insertional mutagenesis caused by
exogenous sequences than other organisms which have DNA
Epigenetic mechanisms may also
play a role in the development of autoimmune reactions. Foetal
carriers of genetic risk factors to insulin dependent diabetes
mellitus exhibited decreased expression of the insulin gene in
thymus, a critical site for tolerance induction to self proteins.
It can be hypothesized that insufficient expression of insulin
during embryogenesis may lead to inefficient negative selection
of insulin-specific T-lymphocytes, and eventually to an
autoimmune reaction against the insulin. The insufficient
expression of the insulin gene during embryogenesis at least
partially could be determined by epigenetic regulation of the
insulin gene. This autoimmune mechanism can be extrapolated to
CNS proteins and schizophrenia.
In conclusion, epigenetics may
shed a new light on the understanding of viral and autoimmune
components of schizophrenia.