Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2001 Mar; 4(1):83-92
Emerging Technologies For Large-Scale Screening of
Human Tissues and Fluids In the Study of Severe Psychiatric Disease
Johnston-Wilson NL, Bouton CM, Pevsner J, Breen JJ,
Torrey EF, Yolken RH
Neuropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder are major causes of morbidity throughout the world.
Despite extensive searches, no single gene, RNA transcript, or protein has been
found which can, on its own, account for these disorders. Recently, the
availability of genomic tools such as cDNA microarrays, serial analysis of gene
expression (SAGE) and large-scale sequencing of cDNA libraries has allowed
researchers to assay biological samples for a large number of RNA transcripts.
Similarly, proteomic tools allow for the quantitation of a large number of
peptides and proteins. These methods include two-dimensional
electrophoresis and surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI).
We have initiated experiments which apply these techniques to the comparison of
RNAs and proteins expressed in clinical samples obtained from individuals with
psychiatric diseases and controls. These methods have the potential to
identify pathways that are involved in the pathogenesis of complex psychiatric
disorders. The characterization of these pathways may allow for the development
of new methods for the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder, and other human psychiatric diseases.